May 23, 2012

spring update number one...

hello again!  it's me, ben, and we're here with an update of the fun we've been having this spring.  we've been busy with baby sam since he's been born - and we all love him so much!! - but we also had lots of pictures to still share from before he was born, so here you go!!

first up, we've been playing outside a lot and a lot, and i got a new bike to ride around on!  i had outgrown the tricycle and have graduated to a "real" bike - with training wheels for now.  i really love riding it and spend a lot of time on my bike now.  :)

at first luke was a little bummed to be watching me have fun on something he couldn't do yet...

but in true luke style, he got over it quickly and moved on to find something else to put a smile on his face...

he got a basketball goal for his birthday and has been practicing his ballin' skills...

he also loves riding around on the tricycle now and especially the plasma car.  we couldn't remember if we'd shared pictures of him on this yet (and were too lazy/busy to look back at previous posts!), so if we have, sorry for the duplicate.  but he rides this a lot and is pretty cute doing so...

also back in april we got to visit the bluebell ice cream factory in nearby brenham.  YUM!  we met some friends there and took a tour and even had some free ice cream at the end - yay!  that was a lot of fun.  we enjoyed the forklifts, conveyor belts, machinery, and cow statue...

we also hit up the local hot rod car show several weeks ago.  we thought about grampee while we were there, because he likes those things a lot, but we only managed one picture of cars before momma's camera broke - so sad!!  this one was silly because it looked like a school bus!!

they also had jumpy things, which i always love, but luke was not so sure about.  this picture sort of looks like we're in a really colorful prison.  momma would like to get one of these for the backyard and velcro the doors shut...  KIDDING!!

next stop on our spring tour - the annual trip to the strawberry patch!!  momma picked (at 38.5 weeks pregnant!) while we played in the dirt...

and checked out the chickens and turkeys...

and ran around...

and looked at the old tractor...

good times!!  and that's it for our first spring update.  we'll try to be back soon with the rest of april, including luke's birthday - whoa!!!!!!!!  and we know you guys are really only wanting to see pictures of sam at this point, so sorry for not having much of him this time. we'll share a couple cute ones now and will definitely have more (lots!) of him the next time.  bye!!

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