Apr 16, 2012

pre-baby update...

well folks, we survived silly eyes - version 2.0 and are back with an update from the past couple weeks (okay, months!). it looks like the new baby will probably be here within a few days so we're trying to get in one last blog post as promised - yay!!

first up, let's take a look at the current men of the family, all dressed up and enjoying some pre-church milks... my, what a fine looking bunch! :)

and now, dating way back to february, we wanted to share some fun things going on around here. first up, ben finally saw his first rainbow - yes!! momma had tried to point a few out to him in the past, but only recently was he able to really see one in the sky for the first time, and that was very exciting! :)

ben also got a caterpillar-butterfly kit from aunt aimee for his birthday, and we all really enjoyed that! we had fun watching them as caterpillars for a couple weeks, and then we really liked when they turned into cocoons, and then butterflies, and then we released them outside!! here's a couple shots of us watching them ease out of their net. they must have really liked living with us because they were in no rush to leave, and we just watched them for a while. cool! thanks aunt aimee. :)

as we mentioned before, ben started preschool and seems to spend most of his time there eating snacks and various classmates' birthday treats and playing on the playground. momma was hoping for a little more advanced curriculum than that but will take any break that she can get at this point and is glad ben likes it at least! his class also gets to dress up on special theme days at times, and this is ben clearly working it for rodeo week as a cowboy (in one of daddy's old hats)...

this is also a totally random picture of ben during one of his winter sick spells when he was stuck on the couch with me trying to cheer him up...

speaking of me, i have been doing pretty good lately. and by lately, i mean prior to the past week and a half i had been doing awesome as usual. the most trouble i could cause was getting my foot stuck in my table seat and fussing about that for a few seconds...

but something happened to me last week and i have been having a much harder time, which you might notice is not the greatest timing as we anticipate baby brother's arrival. momma has not exactly been known to take things like this in stride, but she's trying her best. and i'm still cheery pretty often, don't get me wrong, but i am trying my hand at throwing a good fit, having sleep problems at naptime and bedtime both, and generally being grumpy for longer than my usual 30 seconds in a row. bummer. hopefully i'll get over that soon.

moving on... it's already pretty hot here, which is fine by ben and me because we play outside most of the day now. but momma found a picture from the first day of march where we're actually wearing "winter" clothes and that seems like so long ago already!!! we sure do love tromping around in our backyard...

during those "cold" days we also spent some good times inside playing with homemade play dough, which was super fun for both of us!!

and we're usually up for some good coloring with crayons or markers, or here on our easel looking like sweet brothers...

but alas, the "winter" really only lasted a few weeks it seemed like, and before we knew it, it was time to get out the car wash again - yes!!! you can see that our weather has even been hot enough to re-institute last summer's "no shirt, no pants, no problem" clothes policy. momma is totally in favor of this, as it means less laundry...

and that mostly brings us up to date around here! not totally, but this will have to do in case we don't get back on here before baby comes. we did have an awesome trip to the county fair last weekend, and a wonderful easter celebration before that, but i can't promise we'll get those pictures on here soon, so we'll just do the best we can. in the meantime, say some prayers for momma and baby as labor approaches (hopefully!) pretty soon and we'll keep you posted! bye!! :)

Apr 6, 2012

just when you thought it was safe to check the blog...

oh no, it's the return of silly eyes - version 2.0 - augh!!!!

save yourself - quick!!

ben taught me how to do silly eyes, and i think it's the most hilarious thing ever!! i do them all the time, and then scream and laugh like crazy afterwards!! see...

good times!! and check back again soon for a march update, hopefully before the baby arrives!!! :)


p.s. disclaimer: that is not a real double-chin seen in those photos above. it must have just been some bad lighting... or something wrong with mom's camera lens... please disregard...