in other news, we had a great time at the ranch last weekend! there is always a lot of fun stuff to do there, and i had a great time with my cousins and aunts and uncles and mimsie and grandpa, and... everyone! here i am with powdered doughnut on my face, contemplating life's deep questions...
and here i am with daddy - i sure do like him... and in case you were wondering if i got my hairline from mommy or from daddy, i think this picture pretty much answers that question!
and here we are fishing in the future swimming hole - there really are fish in there, but we didn't get any bites that morning...
and here is the hat club in the hot tub!! :) note the giant propane tank, the young kids driving the giant "mule", the camper (where 7 of us slept at night), and the barn in the background - this is not your average dude ranch... :)and here i am giving my thumbs-up approval of the "pool" - it was a nice break from the heat...
and here i am eating daddy's hat, because they clearly aren't feeding me enough actual food...
and here are some cute pictures that mommy took of me on the backyard swing - i really like to swing! (adorable bug outfit courtesy of beamee!)
that's all for now... bye!
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