Jun 2, 2008

we got a pool!

it's officially a sauna in austin, texas, and i'm barely able to be outside without turning into a liquid within minutes. however, mommy and i like to be outside a lot, and therefore, we bought a pool. a pool? yes, a pool. by "pool", though, i clearly mean a large plastic basin that can be used to hold a small amount of water and 1.5 people. but hey - it's a start, right? it was mommy's idea, and quite frankly, i'm not so sure how i feel about it yet. take a look...

okay, are you done laughing yet? mommy didn't want me to post the pictures on here because she said we are only 2 broken-down cars in our front yard away from being white trash. and granted, i'm not entirely sure what that means, but this next picture gives me a pretty good idea...

mommy also wanted me to say that daddy only had 1 beer and it really wasn't as bad as it looks... okay, it was exactly as it looks, but honestly, it's 101 degrees here, and a real pool is not an option, so this seemed like the next best thing until i'm old enough for a slip'n'slide. what can ya do? :)

p.s. - mommy wanted me to assure you that there are exactly 0 broken-down cars in our front yard.

p.p.s. - turns out we did get a decent picture from memorial day of me and 2 cousins - check us out.

bye!! :)


Unknown said...

Too cute and hysterical! Enjoy the "pool" or small plastic container that holds water....... and also the hot weather!


Doreen Copeland said...

What a great post - thanks for the good laugh!

Anonymous said...

Benjamin - that's not white trash! My mommy is threatening to put me in a galvanized metal tub to keep me cool! It'll have to stay on the porch or I'll burn myself!!

You're getting big! My mommy says you're cute!

Anonymous said...

Oops - that last comment was from your buddy,Ethan.

Anonymous said...

hi cutie,

i cousin gabbee was just checking on you little ben(cutie),i love you and miss you all ready .the dwights were here a few minutes ago they were very good company for beamee & grampee.i hope you are having a good summer .