Apr 22, 2008

over the river and through the woods...

...to grammy pam's house we go! or actually, we went! mommy and daddy and i made our second trip to grandpa and grammy pam's house last weekend, and it was so much fun! i was a pretty good boy and really loved playing with them. they are so good at holding me and loving me, and they have a really neat play pad that i had fun exploring! i also got to show off my rolling over tricks some more, and they were pretty impressed. somehow i have forgotten how to roll over from my stomach to my back, though, so mommy and daddy are still working with me on that one. but i sure do love rolling over from my back to my tummy! i also really like to play with things in my hands and to kick things that make noise. but anyway, back to our trip... they live about two hours away and i slept the whole time there and back. i also did okay taking naps but mommy still has to take me on stroller rides to get me to sleep. maybe one of these days i'll actually fall asleep on my own. HA! here are some pictures from our weekend... p.s. - i realize i may not look all that thrilled in this first one, but i promise i was! i was smiling so much the rest of the weekend that my face hurt and i needed a break. :)

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