Mar 11, 2008

first road trip...

hi again. so, i took my first official road trip last weekend with mom and dad - we went to see my grammy and grandpa in cuero, tx, which is about two hours away. i slept in the car the whole way there and the whole way home - mom said i was such a good boy for that. and i had a great time at their house, although i was a little fussy and wanted to eat a lot. but it was fun to get to hang out with them, and i met new relatives too - aunt carol and uncle gary. they are really nice. here's a picture of daddy getting me settled into the car seat...

and here's a close up of just how excited i really was...

haha - just kidding! actually, those pictures are from a few weeks ago and that's not even the car seat we took! but you get the idea. :) mommy made a rare blunder and didn't take any pictures of me on our road trip and so we had to improvise with these. but in any case, it was fun and we didn't even have to rent a u-haul to carry all of my baby stuff! hopefully i was a good enough boy that i will get to go on a farther trip sometime, like maybe to indiana. :)

otherwise, mommy and i are back to our usual stuff this week. not much else to report. i think i'll go work on my long division and maybe read a few books. bye!

1 comment:

laura capello said...

i remember when griffin was that tiny in the car seat. we really, honestly thought he'd slip through the straps.

(and, no! we haven't forgotten the baby gift. i just haven't been given time to make it -- it will come soon! i promise!)