Jul 2, 2011

hodge podge...

hi!! it's me, luke. lots of pictures to catch up on (from may - eeps! and even a couple from the last day of april - gasp!). here are just a few from our trip to the matthys ranch in giddings. we always have a great time there. here's ben in the dirt with cousins...

and me having a snooze on momma. i don't get in the sling too much anymore, but momma sure loves it when i do. and i still like my naps, any way i can get them...

here are a few cute ones from at home in the backyard...

momma and daddy are always trying to get the most smoochies from me, and i figured out a while ago what they were doing, so lately i like to give kisses to one and make sure the other one is watching (i honestly do that!). so here i am giving a kiss to daddy while momma looks on...

and here's ben with a cheesy smile...

and here's ben filling up his bike with diesel from the gas station pump (obviously)...

...while i am up to mischief on the porch (see me up there in that first picture of ben filling up?). momma often finds me like this, wondering what on earth is in my mouth and whether it's worth it to dig in there and find out or just let me be and learn my lesson (which i never seem to do!)...

after much questioning, i decided to show her. and as sometimes is the case, she still couldn't tell for sure what it was! oh well... :)

back inside, here's me cooking up some ben (see in the oven door?)...

and ben playing with a cute little thing momma made on one of the shelves from my bookcase...

cute face, just for general purposes...

painting with watercolors (we're back to spending a bit more time indoors since it's so hot here every single day!)...

some picture of ben wrapping up a pencil with an old tootsie roll wrapper... momma required that i include this, even though no one can remember why he was doing it. she just likes the picture because ben looks little and was being cute and quiet at the time. yay. :)

this is me trying to throw a football. some of you may remember a picture of ben doing something similar at about this age. well, i would have included that picture for comparison's sake, except that i dropped the external hard drive (where old pictures are stored) on the floor while messing around in the study, even though i'm not allowed to do that. the cover came off and the cords came unplugged but i don't want to tell momma because she'll be mad at me, so we'll have to try and find that picture in the archives another time... moving on...

so. i'm still not walking yet. everyone keeps asking momma about this. and momma keeps meeting random moms in target and the grocery store who tell about their kid that never walked until 18 months. that's going to be me too. and that's okay with momma (even though i'm not exactly getting any lighter around here, in case you haven't noticed). but i do like walking around while holding on to furniture or wheeled toys. i especially love pushing ben around on the airplane...

good times.

also, the birds in the garage flew the coop. i would have included pictures of them except that one day we came home from going out to dinner (it was actually momma's birthday night) and they were literally in our garage learning to fly at that very moment. we spent some time watching them, which was really cool. and then momma went back out to check on them later that night, and they were gone. and we haven't seen them since. truth be told, it had gotten a little inconvenient to have them in there, but it was still really neat. and now that they're gone, we miss them. ben and momma think they saw the momma bird out by the playground the other day saying hi. it was definitely her. and from now on we try to keep the garage doors closed as much as possible. :)

also, mimsie and grandpa came to visit about 400 years ago and we still need to put up pictures from that. and we just got back from indiana and need aimee and elaina to email momma pictures so we can post those too. and we're really missing mimsie and grandpa (and maggie dog!!) and hope we can see them soon. that's all. bye.

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