Jun 17, 2011

our new pool and a happy birthday...

whew - it's hot, folks!! well, maybe not quite yet where you are, but definitely here in texas! it's 100 degrees every day. who lives here??

thankfully, beamee came to the rescue and got us a new pool. we sure do love that beamee. here are some more pictures of us from the april visit...

luckily for beamee, i don't have very good aim yet!! grampee was trying to give me some lessons, though...

and, as usual, aunt aimee spent most of the weekend trying to hog luke from momma (understandably so!)...

but aunt aimee will have to fight off aunt elaina for that honor next week because we're all going to indiana!!!!!! yahoo! we are all so excited and looking forward to seeing everyone (and hoping uncle greg will make a suprise last-minute decision to come!!!). :)

and another exciting thing - yesterday was a special day for momma - her 30th birthday! :) let's just take a minute to reflect on what a wonderful mom we have, in honor of this momentous occasion. she's such a great mom, but also a great person in general. it sure was nice of her to forego that modeling career to raise luke and i instead. she's a wonderful cook too - definitely could have had her own show on the food network. and very smart, you could even say brilliant... super nice. thoughtful. giving. funny. pretty. witty. kind.... um, smells nice... buys us cool toys... let's us have some of those cool toys downstairs even though daddy wishes we kept them all upstairs... is otherwise very good to daddy, really the best wife ever if you think about it... um, humble, definitely humble... an all around great lady, folks - and now a member of the 30's crowd - yikes! :)

we had a great day celebrating yesterday but don't have too many pictures of that (or atleast not on the computer yet), but here are some other photos from may and june that show what good birthdays are all about...

balloons, especially really big ones...

ice cream, hand-delivered by the local ice cream truck...

shoving your face full of food (literally, as luke has been doing lately)...

swinging on the porch (these pictures actually from mother's day, ahhhh)...

more ice cream (push pops courtesy of the schwans man - just like when momma was growing up!)...

spacing out...

and crashing out on the floor at the end of a fun day... (or right in the middle of the morning, like a sick luke seen here, which has never ever happened before, by either me or luke - momma was amazed!!!)...

happy birthday, momma. and thanks everybody for stopping by. stay tuned again soon for an update on the birds in our garage, a visit from mimsie and grandpa, and more summer fun. bye!! :)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

BEAUTIFUL BOYS!! I'm jealous that everyone got to see you last weekend!