Feb 12, 2011

back on catching up...

hello there again... we're back on catching up with posts and pictures after that crazy snow here! january and february have actually been a lot colder than normal in texas (and everywhere, as most of you know!), but we've still been having fun as usual. here we are all bundled up before some errands - mom sure does love an excuse to get her boys in cute, little hats...

sometimes we go to barnes and noble to hang out, but lately i've been a book-eating monster at home. to prevent me from eating the books at b&n, sometimes momma just keeps me in the stroller. i'm a good baby, though, and am pretty laid back (although i do have a problem keeping my shoes and socks on!)...
i'm also very good in shopping carts too and have really been developing such a fun, little personality (if i do say so myself)...
of course ben still has his huge personality. here he is plowing me over to go after some candy in the grocery store check-out line...
he knows that is against the rules, so i was shocked to see him disobey (okay, not really, but luckily mom was in a good mood that day and didn't get him in trouble since we were just having fun)...

back at home it's been hard to just stay inside and play. one day ben wanted to do some chalk out on the back deck, so momma let him go outside by himself. that didn't last long. here's his face as he's begging momma to let him back inside (it was probably only in the 40's that day - we are wimps!)...

sometimes he gives me rides in the laundry hamper...

and somehow we found a video on youtube of a chipmunks (yes, as in alvin and the chipmunks) version of the "witchdoctor" song. we like watching different videos on youtube - usually of wild animals but lately of the chipmunks! and we all love music, so we've been listening to that song a lot. ben and momma made masks to go along with the song, so here's a picture of ben dancing with his mask on. this is actually really funny in person. please come visit for your own live performance...

here are some pictures of me waking up from a nap one day recently...

i didn't understand why momma wasn't just getting me out of my bed like she normally does...

but i was happy when she was finally done taking pictures!

i sure do love that momma (especially because i know how much she loves me)...

and speaking of love, happy valentine's day to all my ladies out there. :)
we still have several more posts of catching up to do, so we'll talk to you again soon. hope you are all doing well! bye!! :)

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