Sep 15, 2010

couch conversations...

hi everybody!!

so, we're pretty excited around here lately!

i'm sleeping through the night! i have been for two weeks now - yahoo! mom did secretly enjoy our one-on-one quiet cuddle time in the middle of the night before i dropped my last feeding, but i think she's pretty glad to be in her own bed the whole night now. and so am i - usually 7:30p to 7:00 or 7:30a - woohoo! momma says i'm the best baby ever (and ben is the best little boy ever, of course!), and i try to be coy about all her praise but can't really say momma is wrong...

i'm not eating solids yet, though. we tried it once a few days ago, and this is what i thought of that yucky rice cereal - who invented that stuff and thought it was the first food that a baby would want to eat?!?!

can't i just have some ice cream, peaches, watermelon, cookies, or something yummy like everyone else? totally uncool... um, what else?... momma wants me to be her boyfriend and tries to eat me and kiss me pretty much all day... can you blame her? look at this face - she says, "yum!"...

silly momma, i can't be your boyfriend... what would daddy think?

oh, i just remembered something else!

when we're in the car sometimes and ben gets bored, instead of saying "i'm bored" he says "ben hold something" or lately has been much better about forming sentences and so says "i wanna hold something." momma tries to bring along toys or random things of interest to him, but sometimes she just says, "hold your breath."

it's actually fun to do for a little while! then he'll just draw on the magnadoodle or make up silly songs with momma. oh, wait! ben is doing something cool over there!

see, this is what i'm talking about - cookie batter - yum! yes, please! put that stuff on a spoon and i'm sure it will slide right down!

but ben, what are you doing? does mom know you're doing that?

you've sure have been eating treats a lot lately!

oh well, you'll burn it off running around i'm sure! just save some for me, bro!

ooooh, check please! momma has my bottle ready and since that's all i get for now, i'll take it!

gotta go! thanks for stopping in. see you next time!

and p.s. to jess (formerly newbold) gray - i saw all your pictures from the wedding and you sure did look pretty! since momma can't really be my girlfriend, maybe you could be instead? :) thanks for checking in on us and hopefully i can meet you sometime soon!

1 comment:

JessNewboldGray said...

Awww...Luke! Thank you for the compliment! And OF COURSE I will be your girlfriend. I think you would make me very look like a sweetheart :-). Can't wait to see the whole Matthys clan sometime soon! Too bad I got married, that was a good excuse to get your mom up here for a visit.