May 21, 2009

still little enough...

hello again! the construction work across the street is all done and so we're back to finding things to do on our own around the house. that's how i ended up in the toy tub again (solving a rubik's cube)! but of course mommy thinks it's adorable that i am still just little enough to fit in there. but then mommy said we could go downtown to the children's museum, and so i hopped out right away to get dressed - that sounded like fun!!

here i am outside the building - cool, huh? austin is neat. beamee got our family a membership at the museum for my birthday (thanks beamee!) and so mommy and i met some friends there this week...

here i am playing with some switches and buttons...

hooray for switches and buttons!!

and here we are playing with a super awesome thing - it was a giant, backlit board with lots of holes, and you move around the plastic colored cylinders to make designs and patterns. way cool. and now mommy is really looking forward to when i'm old enough to play with a lite-brite!

that's all the pictures from the museum - we were busy playing a lot and didn't take too many pictures. but we'll be going back for sure and will keep you updated on other neat things we find and learn about there.
back at home i like to play with little cars and say "vroom vroom" over and over again. mommy gave up on centerpieces and decorations for the coffee tables long ago, so i have free reign with my cars on those...

yikes - sorry about the dust on the table in that first picture. that's one of my chores around the house and clearly i'm behind on that - how embarrassing! i'm still in my "handful" phase but i try to be a good boy when possible. for example, when i am asleep or eating, i rarely fuss then. it's just those other times that i tend to require a bit more attention. :) oh just kidding, i'm a good boy, but we definitely stay busy chasing each other around here. we've been going to several library storytimes, and that's a lot of fun. and i can always have a good time in the backyard...
um... that's really about it for us. this weekend we're going back to the giddings ranch for a memorial day party to see the big matthys family - including mimsie and grandpa - yahoo!! i am SOOOO excited to see them and know it will be a lot of fun playing and getting into trouble with my cousins too. be looking forward to a variety of red-neck photos next week when we return. :) bye!!

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