Dec 24, 2008

oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining...

merry christmas! we're headed for indiana in just a few hours and will be there for christmas eve night - yeah! i guess we'll follow the north star too because we're definitely going north - into the cold! mommy has some fleece-lined jeans ready to go for me! before we left, i wanted to put a few pictures up here from last weekend at mimsie and grandpa's and from christmas eve here at home with mom and dad... not much time to type but just wanted to say hi to everyone one last time!

here's me playing peek-a-boo - that is my new favorite game! i play it a lot!!

and here's my new walker-wagon from mommy and daddy - it is awesome! it has blocks inside and is so fun to push around the house! i will probably be walking on my own pretty soon - yikes!

and here's me peering through the door of another toy - this one is a lot of fun too! being a baby is great! my "house" (but not a girly house, mind you) has lots of levers and doors and things to move around...

and here i am after i had crawled up on the fireplace ledge - which clearly i'm not supposed to do! but i've been trying for a long time and was finally able to do it - yes! i was just checking to see if santa was coming yet...

i had a great time over the weekend at mimsie and grandpa's and got to open some christmas presents and play with lots of people. here i am with the cable box, which i'm not supposed to play with at home and now i know that i'm not supposed to play with it there either! busted!

here's me playing with maggie dog. i liked her a lot, but i'm not sure the feeling was mutual...

this is what i thought of the cool dinosaur bowling set i got from aunt laine - yum!

here's what i look like with a small, red bow on my forehead... sometimes mommy just can't help herself...

here's me and lauren on the swing - i like her so much! we play together and have a lot of fun...

okay, that's all because i have to go finish packing and get ready for our plane flight! i sure do hope i'm a good boy on the plane... see all you hoosiers soooooooon!!! i can't wait - we are going to have so much fun!!! merry christmas everyone and happy birthday jesus! :)

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