Oct 31, 2008

hooooowwwwwlll - hairwolves of austin

do you get it? like the song - werewolves in london. anyway, that's me for halloween - note the caption under the picture on my shirt. :) thankfully, mommy did not try to dress me up in one of those ridiculous baby costumes and turn me into a hotdog, bunny, giant ladybug, or other thing that involved a too-big outfit and head gear. instead, i played it cool in an understated outfit with spiked hair. a successful first halloween to be sure.
here we are at our neighborhood get-together last weekend. they had a petting zoo, but the goats were scared of me - i guess they thought i was a real werewolf - silly goats!

they had treats, but i opted for a rock instead...

we had a great time!

and here i am back at home doing my best hairwolf impression!

we also went to a birthday party last weekend for another one of my friends from church. kids were allowed to wear their costumes, so i got to sport my spikey hair again - yes! here i am enjoying some strawberry cupcakes...

and here i am being anti-social, but that's only because i was having so much fun with this activity table long after the other kids got bored with it.

yesterday, aunt chris sent me a package in the mail - i was so excited! after i pushed the box around the kitchen floor for a while, we opened it up to find a cool blanket that rolls up, and some paper - yes!! thanks aunt chris! :) and note the extreme slobber - my 9th tooth is about to pop through!

i really do like crawling a lot. once i find something i like to play with, like magnets from the dryer, i crawl around with them around the house for a while until i find something new, like a spatula or magazine.
i also love playing with my xylophone (mommy helped me spell that correctly - whew!). i think i really like music a lot - sometimes i even bounce around a little bit when i hear a song i like on the stereo or radio. fun!

daddy went on a trip this weekend (boooo!). i tried to hide in his suitcase so that i could go with him, but i was a little too big - bummer! i will miss him a lot, but luckily, since i can't really tell time yet, when he gets back i will probably only think he's been gone an hour or so...

in the meantime, mommy and i will hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters, and then we'll turn off the lights once we're running low so that we can eat the rest ourselves! augh - kidding! i'm not allowed to eat candy, but i suspect mommy will do that... gotta go! bye!

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