May 7, 2008

what i did today...

well... it may not be accurate to call it "crawling" quite yet, but it's movement in the forward direction accomplished using the legs, that's for sure! i finally had enough of being on my tummy and not going anywhere, and so this afternoon i just kept at it until i moved about 6 inches or so... no kidding! here's proof! this is a play-by-play of me in action. i obviously don't have the technique down quite yet, but i'm working on it! i haven't figured out to use my arms at the same time as my legs (either that, or i'm too heavy to lift myself up) and so i decided it was easier to just do a face-plant and go...

pretty funny, huh? here's two more that show where i was at the beginning and at the end. please note the position of my arms in relation to my parents drab bedspread in each...

and finally, my slobber marks to show how far i really went! i especially like to eat my hands when i'm frustrated and/or tired. i was both of those while trying to crawl today, and so i definitely left my mark.

okay, whew! i really am tired! better go take a nap... wait - one more thing! happy birthday to my aunt aimee in north carolina! miss you!!! :)

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