Mar 29, 2008

my first UT football game...

lots of people take babies to football games, don't they? well, my parents did - - and it sure was fun! the UT football team has a practice game each spring, so we went to check it out today, and i was such a good boy! at first i took a nap, even through the cannons and loud announcer guy. and then i woke up and watched the game with mommy and daddy for a while and had a great time. it was a little overcast and i was wearing a sweatshirt, but underneath was my UT onesie from SELT. although mommy says no one looks good in burnt orange, she lets me wear it anyway. here are some pictures... (and there's more on our picasa page too, so check those out if you want to!)
that last one is of mack brown and the team - cool! that was a lot of activity for the day, so i've mostly been taking naps otherwise. other things going on: my hair has finally grown back on the top of my head, although it's still very light and fine. and you can see that my cheeks are getting quite round! sometimes it looks like i'm a chipmunk with a full stash, but i'm not a chipmunk. i'm just a little boy with big cheeks. um... a new cousin of mine was born a few days ago and i'm excited about that! his name is wyatt and he's the son of adam and jeri matthys, and hopefully we'll get to visit him soon so i can show him cool tricks like putting my fist in my mouth and drooling. that's all for now. bye!


Anonymous said...

Cool parents do take their babies to football games - what a fun day! We're glad you got to wear your UT onesie to a football game, even if it was just a practice one. Hook 'em, Horns! Go Irish! We miss you!!!!!

Love, SELT

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Ben forgot to mention he also visited with his favorite Great Aunt Debbie that same day. She thinks I'm totally awesome and is really glad she lives so close. I hope she babysits me real soon...