Nov 7, 2012

at the zoo...

whoops.  sorry it's been a while but we're back with some zoo pictures and then we'll have to do several posts in a row in the next few days to get caught back up again!!  but first, as promised, our fun at the zoo from last month on one of daddy's fridays off...  we had a great time and i was even slightly more interested in the animals than i have been any other time!  i do think animals are really cool, but i don't need to stand there and stare at them for hours (or minutes!) like momma and luke do.  if they're doing something especially cool or exciting, then i'll watch for a minute or two. but if they're just standing around (which is usually the case) then i'm good with 30 seconds or so.  but anyway, i do like to see all the animals and this was an especially good visit.  i even pet a snake - whoa! sorry no pictures of that, but trust me, i did.  

and here's me and luke watching the elephants.  i think momma would still be standing there watching them if we hadn't dragged her away!  

but if we had stayed at the elephants all day, we would have missed having lunch next to the giraffes, which was super cool!  we really liked watching them reach the tall leaves...

and we even got to feed the giraffes some lettuce leaves - so cool!  that was one of the highlights of the day.  sam really liked the giraffes too!

he says "thumbs up to giraffes and to the zoo!"

don't mind me while i play it cool in my stroller and continue reigning on my awesome baby throne...

after seeing the "normal" zoo favorites like lions, chimps, zebras, etc... we made a stop at a special exhibit in town just for a short time - the DINOSAURS!!  now these guys were definitely up my alley and i could have stayed around them all day!!!  check them out (they were so big and so cool in real life)...

i thought they were totally awesome. luke thought they were half scary and half awesome. and sam thought they were totally scary!!

but here we are right as we saw the t-rex!!  (you should have seen our reaction in person!)...

the t-rex was huge. it was awesome. it was scary. it growled. i thought it might eat me. i didn't even care. but i did stay in the stroller. it was the bomb. i want one.

after the awesome dinosaurs, we moved on to the petting zoo, where luke felt a little more comfortable (and definitely sam, too) and finished off the day watching some ducks (boring)...

so - best zoo trip ever. and it spawned a huge interest in dinosaurs for me and luke, so we've been doing a lot of dinosaur things lately. and on a completely unrelated note, here are some pictures of me and luke playing in the rain.  actually, it started off with me running and playing in the rain, which i love to do...

then luke thought he wanted to run and play with me, but he sometimes has a strong aversion to getting wet from the rain, so that created an internal dilemma for him...

...but thankfully the running and playing won and he came out to have fun with me after all!

good times.  and we hope to be back soon with pictures from our visitors and more of little sam, who is now six months old and not really so little anymore!  see you soon - bye!!  :)

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