Jul 3, 2012

summer update

hi everyone!  it's me, sam!!  :)  this is a picture of me from early june, before i was really smiling yet.  but keep reading and you'll see some really cute ones of my smile down below...

well, i'm back with an update on our summer so far.  it's been in the 200's and very humid for over a month now, so i don't get outside for very long at a time. but ben and luke still do and when daddy was home for a long weekend recently, we got out the boat pool again - yea! 

you may remember this from last year - a gift from beamee!  ben really loves it, especially spraying water out of it.  luke really wasn't so sure about it though. once he finally talked himself into just walking near it, he ran away! 

here he is staying close to daddy's side, too uneasy to get close again. but daddy called him a nancy...

...so he just ran over to momma instead... and of course she held him...

and here are some other fun things the big boys have been up to outside... it turns out that water and soap and buckets can entertain them for hours - yay!

and last year's planter box is still a hit but had to be moved inside so luke wouldn't throw beans everywhere in the yard...  (sweet luke would do that?  yes, sweet luke would do that...)

and here's ben playing with corn starch and water goo outside, which also was a huge hit with him!  that kid just loves to stir and mix and pretend to make food all the time...

so back inside, here i am making another silly non-smiling face several weeks ago...

you might have noticed that it looked like daddy was snoozing on the couch in the background of that photo above.  that seems strange that daddy would be getting an afternoon nap instead of momma and you might be wondering if it was just a weird camera angle... nope - here's proof! daddy was actually snoozing on the couch for a short afternoon nap!  unheard of!

here i am having some tummy time...

and here's where the great smiles begin!!  :)  this is me at exactly two months old - can you believe it?!?!

and this is me sitting in ben's lap...

i'm not sure what he's doing in this one, but it looks like he's ready to catch some spit up!  thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, i don't spit up very much at all (unlike my two brothers at this age), but they do think it's quite entertaining when i do, and especially when i poop.  sorry mom - this is what boys get a kick out of...

and now i'll close with some pretty cute pictures of luke and ben before i head off for a nap myself.  can you believe these goobers??

and finally luke wanted me to add that it's been a while since we've had some visitors and he expects some indiana (or north carolina!) love up in here very soon... or else...

HOLLY WHITE i'm lookin' at you!!

haha!  :)    okay, that's all.  bye!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooooo cute! I can't wait to see you guys and Sam for the first time:) hopefully I will be able to see the Matthys family before Christmas! -Gabbee