Sep 6, 2011

august in review...

hello again! well, while parts of magnolia and lots of texas are getting hit by wildfires, we are thankfully safe on the side of town where we live. but it's still a scary time with all this drought and we're just ready for some rain!

but alas, mostly we've just had heat, heat, and heat. but we still had lots of fun in august, so here are some pictures to fill you in.

first up, we took a visit to our local fire station, where a couple of the really nice firefighters showed me and luke around. i LOVED this. especially the lights on the trucks...

i also liked getting to try on a helmet, and gave momma my best dorky pose and smile during this picture...

but here i am playing it much more cool in the backseat of dad's new convertible (and by that, of course, i mean 4-door sedan with a sunroof - they're the same thing in case you didn't know that)...

back at home i've been having a lot of fun with momma's piano. i love to play it all the time, and so far i have mastered the five notes of "pop goes the weasle" (with the help of numbered washi tape) and am trying to build my skills from there...

we also continue to do the car wash regularly. last time we tried it out on the driveway and i used the slope to get a good zoom through it with my bike...

this one is just a random cute picture of luke calling someone on momma's phone. it was probably aunt aimee. he seems to call her every few days or so (really. without momma's permission or knowledge, until she finds out from aunt aimee via text message at some point later in the day...) i don't know what they talk about all the time...

also, we had another visitor here recently... see him near the bottom of the ladder in front of the playground?

yep. that's an armadillo. live and in person in our backyard. here he is right up by the back patio (which was taken during an afternoon when daddy was still at work, or there would have no longer been an armadillo to take pictures of, if you know what i mean...)

he came around on two different afternoons in a row, and we just followed him around the yard and he didn't seem too bothered by us. he was fun to watch, though (in this picture, he's just beyond the metal can in the yard)...

luke really liked watching him waddle around...

and then here's yet another shot of luke fussing for momma to pick him up. how old is he now? yeah, he still loves that momma... and he still likes her to hold him. a lot. :)

these next two are of me sharing an ice cream truck product (which momma would not allow me to call "ice cream" itself, since she says it was unlikely that this particular concoction was made of any real food... anyway, i was super nice and shared it with luke. i actually share my ice cream truck treat with him every time. momma lets me pick pretty much whatever i want, and then luke and i share. so cute...

and finally, some pictures of the AWESOME water play table that grandpa and daddy made a few weeks ago. luke and i play in this thing nearly every day - honestly. it has been so much fun, especially with the heat. we love it!!! :)

here i am doing something with a container of little peg people for the wooden boats we made (not pictured). i forget what was going on, but do you like my hat? sometimes it's a football helmet, sometimes it's a firefighter helmet. life is good. bye!

1 comment:

Gabbee said...

That is just sooooooo cute, I will have to start calling them "ice cream truck treats"
Love, Cousin Gabbee!!!