Aug 11, 2011

lots of luke...

oh look!

we updated the blog - yay!! and we hope you're ready for several updates in a row because we are a little behind (again - eek!). this one is going to be lots of pictures of me - luke! although i am a little worried to show my face...

do you see this giant bruise on my forehead?

or any of the 10-12 smaller ones scattered all over my face?

yeah. this is what i look like now that i'm walking. and we went to my 15-month well check last week and the doctor definitely noticed. and asked mom several questions along the lines of "do you actually supervise your child throughout the day?" he must have daughters.

i would like to report, however, that i am still my usual happy self, despite the bumps and bruises. see!!

we forget how this sideways hat came about, but it was funny at the time and will likely never happen again lest my father disown me. :)

so... back at the end of june you may remember us going to indiana for a visit. well, we mentioned before that we didn't have a lot of pictures from that trip - boooo! but here are a few cute ones that mom actually took.

at the airport (this was just before i started walking)...

waiting to board the plane...

ben's first video on a laptop!

still one of my favorite places to sleep...

my big brother...

and a random picture of us in the car one time. i forget the story here, but you can see how ben was playing it cool. and i was playing it sleepy.

yes. i still eat blankie. no one knows when this is going to end. and clearly by this point in the trip we were not amused by momma's picture-taking. but we already mentioned that she didn't take many pictures at all. so we'll try and cut her some slack next time. :)

okay. i'm done. come back soon. !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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