Apr 2, 2011

hello from austin?

whoops. we still had some (cute, if i do say so myself) pictures from our last good times in austin. here i am all bundled up for the winter, enjoying some play time in the basket of a target cart...
and we also visited on more "austin-y" thing before we moved. it's called the cathedral of junk and had always been on momma's list of things to do there. if you've ever heard of (or even if you haven't until now), it's exactly what you would think. piles of junk in a guy's backyard. he built "sculptures" out of all kinds of (mostly broken) trash and crazy stuff. some would call this weird (as in, "keep austin weird."). weirder still that people drive to this man's house to check it out. we thought it was cool but didn't really think it was that strange.

this is ben holding a broken computer mouse. funny thing is, he brought it with him. he had been playing with that broken computer mouse all day. he didn't want to leave it in the car, so momma avoided an argument by letting him carry it around. you see the irony here, right? momma had a moment when she wondered to herself (and then later told me about it, obviously) if ben would be the "cathedral of junk" creator of the future, living a life in a "weird" part of a "weird" city, building sculptures out of random things he's collected his whole life. probably not. but if he ever did, he'd never let it be open to the public because he wouldn't want anyone touching his stuff, of course. :)

moving on...

and speaking of moving on, i sure am! after all this time of not crawling, i am now officially on the move - constantly!! there's all kinds of things for me to get into here, and i sure do.

if you are beamee or mimsie, avert your eyes...

check out what ben drew on the easel the other day!!! momma added the 4 legs and the eye. so cool.

mimsie and grandpa came to visit, which was awesome! they were our first visitors, very exciting. ben and mimsie did a lot of swinging...

i crawled in the grass...

and that's about it for now!! we have more pictures from march and promise to post those by at least june. we can't really be bothered to keep up with any blogging schedule now because i have too much crawling and talking and teething (and fussing!) to do. and ben spends all of his time riding his tricycle around in the driveway, using all of his breaks to ensure he hasn't missed out on any eating going on inside. but thanks for checking in and we'll try to see you back here again soon. :)

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