Jul 13, 2010

who you callin' chubby?

hi! luke here, for a quick update... so, it has come to pass that i'm growing quite well. i'm in the upper 13 lb range - and check out these thighs!! momma still has some pregnancy pounds to lose, so she's started snacking on these instead of cookies and brownies when she gets a craving (can you blame her?)...
but she knows my growth means i'm healthy and doing great (plus ben was a total chunker at this age too, so we expected the same for me), and more luke pounds just means more luke to love!!
but if i am feeling self-conscious about my multiple chins (as seen above), then i just stick my neck out a bit like this and it's as if i really only have the one...

things are going pretty well. i'm happy, healthy, and bright eyed. mostly i still like to be held and given attention during the day, but i am sleeping pretty well in my bed both for naps and at night (although i still wake up a couple times to be soothed and/or to eat), and momma is hoping this will end fairly soon so she can get back to those 9-hour nights of sleep she loves so dearly. i'm starting to hold onto things in my hand but not really reaching out for things yet. i like to chew on my hands and thumb. i don't, however, like tummy time. in fact, here's how i feel about it...

could someone please tell this woman to pick me up and get me off of my tummy?!?!

momma is hoping i just learn to roll over soon so i can flip over myself, plus she knows my muscles need the exercise, so i will endure the tummy time as much as i can i guess...

so what's ben up to, you ask? well, pretty much the usual, wearing things on his head, like blankie...

or this hat momma made as he pretended to make and serve ice cream (just like at the parlor we visited in galveston!)...

and we've been having a lot of rain, so he and momma got out to play in it the other morning. filling up and dumping out containers is apparently very serious business and requires a lot of concentration and tongue sticking-out...

ben also had a great time driving the wheeled cooler over, wait for it, the "yellow one" in our driveway (if you missed the last post, ben is obsessed with speed bumps, which are usually yellow, and which he refers to as "yellow ones")...

he can't get enough, folks...

he also still loves various containers and those continue to be some of his favorite toys... this is a good thing for momma, because our family is going on vacation soon and she won't have to pack many "real" toys because she knows he just prefers to rescue trash and recyclables instead...

well, i've been up over an hour now, so it's almost my nap time again! thanks for stopping by. :)

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