Sep 18, 2009

on the road again... part two...

...back again as promised, with more road trip stories and pictures... we ended up making it into missouri on the first day and stayed in a hotel for the night. even after only a day in the car, i was off to a bad start of eating and mommy was nervous that all her homemade goodies (muffins, pbj's, etc) were being passed up for wheat thins and cheesy bunnies, so by thursday at breakfast, she was ready for me to have some "real" food - so cracker barrel it was! we decided to break our no-chains rule in order for me to enjoy my favorite food "utma" (oatmeal) and the CB right across the street seemed like a safe bet. i loved their gift shop and even got to pick out a cool, metal digger truck. coincidentally, it's just like this one, only much smaller...

that was actually me and daddy at one of the coolest places i've ever been - the st louis children's museum (also called "the magic house"). we drove to st louis by mid-day on thursday and spent several hours having fun and learning cool things at the museum...

this was actually a real-life beanstalk that spanned 3 levels and was perfect for climbing - so cool!

and right in the middle of our day, daddy had to take a very important call for work (if you click on the picture, it will get bigger, and then you can see his very serious face). recognize the room? it's the Oval Office!...

this was my masterpiece of a poem that we "planted" on the tree... (you can make this one bigger too and see that it says "hook em," so you know who helped me write this one)...
me and mommy climbing through a high tunnel in order to get to a great curly slide...

giant wall of "pins"...

on the upper right, that's my hand, and then mommy's and daddy's...

afterwards i was pretty tired, and just ready for some snuggles with mommy...

here's a picture from the outside (and this was only part of it!)...

good times...

well, that's all for part two... next time i'll talk about the rest of our fun in st louis: visiting the arch, seeing one of mommy's friends, and yes, breaking my collar bone (that really did happen, but i'm okay, so no worries)... thanks for checking in and stay tuned for the third and final installment SOON!!! :)

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