hi there! how's it blowin'?
i've really been into being a superhero lately (again). i still don't really get what a superhero is because i don't watch any shows about them, but momma dubbed me "nearly-naked man" and my special talent is... well, that's still to be determined, but i know that i won't need any special outfit to accomplish it - just my cape and some clean underwear. i do get bloody noses a lot and i now see that the kleenex hanging out of my nose does take away from my superhero-ness a bit, doesn't it? i'll have to remember that next time.
moving on...
luke is just growing up so fast and really thinks he's such a big boy now! here he is the other day at the table. he had been waiting patiently in his chair until lunch was ready, but then realized he could just barely reach the bowl of grapes, which he inched over to himself and started munching on - hilarious!
and we've been hearing a lot of comments lately about how luke has slimmed down quite a bit. momma is not yet ready to part with her chubby baby and wanted to show everyone that this really isn't true after all. well, he maybe has slimmed down some, but there's still plenty of chub left to get some lovin' on... (sorry luke - i know this will be embarrassing to you when you're older. we'll have to take this post down when you're a tween.)
a few weeks ago we went to hang out with our cousins and friends from the houston area and had a great time driving around their power wheels tractors. we are definitely going to need a couple of these at our house!!!
i drove around the single passenger one most of the time, but our friend, dean, drove luke around in the double! check out how we all had our texans shirts on that day - cute! and they had the greatest backyard ever!
momma even bought me this awesome conductor's hat and wooden whistle, and then the next day we found these overalls at target - meant to be!!! i love my outfit and now split my time between being a superhero and being a train conductor. it's busy being me, but somebody's gotta do it...
that's all for now. OH - except to update that luke is doing much better now! we're not sure exactly what was going on with him, but he no longer looks like an alien and has mostly stopped scratching, so things are getting back to normal around here. see you back here (relatively) soon with some pictures from our october so far. bye!! :)