oh geesh, i can't keep up with all this superhero business. the world is in need of too many yellow ones for just me to handle...
i think i'll just go play at the park instead. my superhero dad (no outfit needed) can push me. ahhh, much better...
hi. so, yes, i was a superhero for halloween. i don't even really know what a superhero is but was excited about the outfit and watched a few videos on youtube of "real" superheroes flying in the air and that looked fun. but when momma asked me what i wanted to defend the universe against, i answered, "the horns" (as in the texas longhorns). sadly, the universe (and the horns' opponents) are doing okay defending themselves this year - no superhero needed there - so aunt elaina suggested i defend against not enough yellow ones for me to go over. cool! luke wore my outfit from two years ago. the shirt says "hair wolf" and i was a few months older and finally had hair, so momma spiked my hair up. it was cute. luke is still bald. but he's cute too, so you rock that "hair wolf" shirt, luke, and surely you'll get some hair here before we know it...
we all went to the halloween party at the park together. here's luke and daddy. they're handsome...
here i am playing on one of those bouncy things. some kid was trying to help me up this wimpy slide. obviously i can do it myself. i'm a superhero. mom, could you please tell this kid to stop touching me... (i didn't say this outloud, but momma could tell that's what i was thinking. i barely like her and daddy touching me, so i certainly don't want a stranger invading my space!)...
there were lots of fun halloween-y things to do at the park that day. there were crafts, cupcakes, games, a costume contest, and lots of kids. as usual, i just wanted to swing...
eventually i got off the swings and did enjoy some other things. i was very excited about the markers. momma lets me do a lot of things. markers isn't one of them (except the crayola mess-free kind, which i love). maybe when i'm 16. so when i got to color with these at the park, i knew that was a big deal. i stayed here for a long time...
eventually luke became less than thrilled, so he and daddy went home to grill...
momma and i got to stay longer at the park together and that was really fun and special. the weather was awesome. i got to eat a whole cupcake! i had to take my "mask" off because it was getting in the way of my eating. check out the red marks on my face - ha!
we played on the playground and looked at all the other costumes (there really were lots of kids, momma should have taken pictures of more of them). but mostly i just walked around like it was any other day at the park because that's how i roll. i like to play it cool. i even stopped to pick up some "salt" from the ground...
and sprinkle it around to season the "ice cream" (this is what i told momma i was doing when she asked). i do a lot of food-related things in my pretend play, have you noticed? it's all about the food, to me... i should have been captain snack-time, defending the universe against moms who don't provide at least an hourly snack to their children...