i haven't even been born yet, but mommy has already started a blog for me! apparently that's the thing to do these days. she and daddy are very big planners and i guess they wanted to have things ready to go when i finally do arrive. they keep hoping i will come out soon, but i like it in here and will stay just a bit longer... but i'm very excited to meet my mommy and daddy, and my family and friends too. i'll be coming soon enough, but in the meantime i'll continue enjoying some of my favorite activities, which include: squirming around, kicking, listening to daddy read stories, sleeping, and learning calculus. okay, okay, so i don't know calculus yet, but everything else is true! i look forward to meeting you all soon and thanks for checking out my blog! actually, i know you're checking this out after my birth since my name is a secret and so the blog will be until then too, but that's okay! also, fyi, i don't plan on "posting" a lot in words (i'm not much of a talker yet), but this will mostly be for pictures and major updates, so stay tuned...